For those of you who want the bottom line without all the explanations:

ANALOGYMAN is designed to take a familiar scene from a film, a book, a piece of music, and show how a particular point of interest resonates precisely because it contains a piece of the bigger puzzle. What bigger puzzle? The purpose of life, the meaning of existence, where we came from, why we’re here and where we’re going. We are all searching for answers, even when we’re not consciously doing it— and when we brush up against a question, or even a hint of an answer, a red flag goes up.

This phenomenon is best described by Eduard DeBono’s fish analogy. DeBono is a scientist specializing in how the brain thinks. He says that the brain is wired as a problem-solving machine. When the brain encounters a problem, the “problem” acts in the brain like a hungry fish. That fish swims around looking for food (food for the brain is a rational answer) And it will never rest until it finds it. We tend to consciously suppress this urge for answers, but when our guard is down, like when watching a movie or listening to music, if the brain brushes up against the suppressed subject and even suspects it’s close to an answer, all the synapses light up. Even if we suppress this awareness, the brain logs the encounter as important, and we unconsciously add it to our favourites list.

 ANALOGYMAN is designed to help you follow up on what your subconscious brain is telling you to study. Remember, your subconscious brain can be smarter than your conscious brain, because society has brainwashed us to ignore certain cues. Your subconscious brain expects an answer, whereas your conscious brain is under your complete control and can be ignored. (DeBono’s fish analogy is a really good one— it even answers why when we get suspicious we say, “there’s something fishy about this!”)

If you want to know more about how this works, read the short essay, “HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT”. But if you want to experience this, latch on to one of the thumbnails on this page